Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I won an award

My "O Canola" piece in the K Space Contemporary Third Coast National show won the "2-D merit award".

They sent me a nice cash prize and a Liquitex Artist Acrylic paint set. It came with an apron.

SUNY video festival

There I am. Nathan Meltzer. My new Alias.

Monday, November 17, 2008

work in progress

Large wall piece (5 feet x 9 feet) in progress. Will/should be a large overflowing city image of collaged black and white imagery. Thumbnail below.

Friday, October 3, 2008

rough sound-mix

very lo-res version of the new animation. Untitled so far. Working title is BOOM! Hi-res download here.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Is it flattery to be compared to John Turturro?

I helped my friend Paolo for a class project. He had to recreate a scene from Barton Fink.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Factory Study

a very first-drafty study for a longer animation tba

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

From the Sketchbook

A first draft of a mechanized chicken. Only so-so about it, and will probably have some other variations eventually.

Monday, July 28, 2008


My pieces Cornpile and Waiting for the Mechanical Bull were chosen to be included in the 2008 Fence Select show at the Arts Center of the Capital Region in Troy, NY. The show was juried by Mass MoCA curator Denise Markonish. The show runs throught September 12th.

O Canola! -redux

Due to popular demand, I've re-editioned my O Canola print. Well, not super popular demand, but the edition sold out, and there has been some further interest in it. So, here it is. Again.

Friday, July 4, 2008

New Print for Troy via Chicago show

Print promoting a show I'm putting on later this month. Old friends The Fake Fictions from Chicago will be playing at the 51 3rd St. art space here in Troy on Friday, July 25th. They will be playing with another Chicago band called The Prairie Spies, and Albany's Scientific Maps.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I have a collage currently touring in the "gimme baby robots" group show. I guess it's already hit Chicago's Co-Prosperity Sphere and is coming to LA's Echo Curio on June 28th. It moves on to Potland's Igloo after that on July 31st.

Go here for more details.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Introducing: Kismet Press

Here are some images of the new studio I've been busting my hump over the past couple weeks. We're calling it Kismet Press, as it's located underneath the Kismet Gallery at 71 4th Sreet, Troy NY. We hope to be pulling prints and doing workshops as soon as next week.
Upstairs in the Kismet Gallery right now is a show of political prints.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Same House, different address

Well, this could come at a better time, but the House of Tomorrow studio is relocating from 53 3rd street in Troy, to 71 4th street in Troy. Due to the possible selling of the building, I'm moving the studio from the back of the Center for Land Use Interpretation Building (aka The Compound Annex) to the basement of Kismet Gallery, which will soon house a multi-use printmaking studio/art studio space. Between the new baby and setting up the new studio, it make be a number of weeks before any new prints. Hope some collages will be up soon....

Oh, and I've just been accepted into the SUNY Albany MFA program with funding, so as soon as this elementary school year is done, it's off to grad school full time for me!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Newest Project

Nathan + Abby = Aldo, born April 20, 2008

Further Aldoventures can be followed here

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Waiting for my Mechanical Bull

This image doesn't exactly do the print justice, as the "background" cows are printed in silver ink. They're all sparkly. 5 color print 19"x25". A much larger cow cut-out will be coming at some point. Also, I'll need to start work on the next phase of "Animal Farm". I know Abby's mom is pushing for mecha-chickens.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Grazing Cow

just a profile-view variation of the original "blank stare" cow.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

From the sketchbook

My studio-mate Josh Macphee has a couple very large screens, and I'm hoping to make this into some large scale chipboard cut-outs.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

new print

poster for a show i'm setting up for march

Thursday, January 24, 2008

from the sketchbook

this is gonna be part of a big battleroyal of the robots for my "Hudson Valley Smash!" poster for a rock show i'm setting up here in Troy. Just thought this collage was silly enough to merit its own post...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Food for Fuel

Food for fuel, perhaps not the best idea. Nice related NY Times article here

Monday, January 21, 2008

Some pieces in Toronto show

At this artists space called the Green Room. All black and white work.

Friday, January 4, 2008

From the Sketchbook

maybe i can get a jungle/circus themed print going...